Set in the years preceding the First World War, this unforgettable drama follows the trails and fortunes of a remarkable family. At the heart of the rich cast of characters is the unforgettable Tina Rose, a Norfolk girl whose love for Edward Neyler sets a course of conflicting loyalties that will take her half-way across the world ... Edward's brother Mark, whose marriage to a Chinese girl will bring him both ecstasy and despair .. and Tina's family, infuriating and endearing by turns, but always surrounding her with warmth and protection.
This vivid panorama of passion and tragedy stretches from the vast dairy farms of New Zealand to America's booming oil towns and irrevocably links the Neyler and Rose families, from the declining gold-fields of the Clutha to the thriving industrial cities of England. It is a superb and moving story of human love and endeavour.