Did you know that Israel, the Church, and the Lord Jesus share the same birthday? Most Christians know that the Church was born on Pentecost. Few know that Israel had the same birthday 1,500 years earlier. The Church has entirely missed the real birthday of Jesus. In addition all three - Jesus, the Church, and Israel - share a common fate at the Cross. On Passover only the Passover lamb was sacrificed. Why was Jesus crucified along with two others? What is Satan's role in the rise and fall of world empires? What is America's role in the last days? America is not mentioned in the Bible. Many speculate that the EU (European Union) will be the last world empire from which the Antichrist will arise. But this book contends that the last world empire is here already World empires are inspired by Satan. Will America be any different? The Church's understanding of the Great Commission has been affected by Replacement theology. She has ignored Israel's vital role in the end times. A clear understanding of Israel's role in the fulfilment of biblical prophecies is crucial to developing a true and accurate assessment of our times. Israel is the key to understanding the Bible and our times. We are as in the days of Noah. Israel will soon arise and finish the mission that God has for her. Early Christianity had rich Jewish roots. Recover that connection and books such as Job, Ruth, Esther, and Jonah, take on a much deeper dimension. It is my sincere hope that this book, Israel: A Light Unto the Nations, will light up your understanding of the Bible and the times we are living in like a million-megawatt light-bulb in your soul, and spur us to reach out ever more fervently with the gospel.