The book, Let There Be Light: A History of Night Baseball 1880 to 2008 will show the evolutionary process that took 50 years ( 1880 to 1930 ) before minor league baseball adopted the idea of playing baseball at night. After breaking into the minors, it only took five years before the Majors, grudgingly accepted the idea propoosed by Leland "Larry" MacPhail and Powel Crosley to light up Crosley Field in Cincinnati, Ohio. The book will have 70 glossy photographs, 17 documents, diagrams, charts, and letters and over 90 pages of history, stories, and events. The end result is a history of modern day lighted baseball fields which provide healthy entertainment to millions of people every year. This is not a book of statistics, but is one which reveals how civilization and culture develops through hard work and visionary leaders. The first World Series night game was played in 1971. But, by 1985 every World Series game is played at night. Night baseball is an event and is just as exciting as a day game, but much cooler, unless you have an air conditioned stadium. Let's go see a baseball game tonight after work.