This book is a wake-up call for the twenty-first century church. Milt compares today's church with the first century church model. He believes the church has been weighed in the balance and found wanting, especillay in the areas of personal evangelism and discipleship. He draws on his forty-eight years of bible study, his ministerial experience, and his keen analytical skills to assess what's wrong with the church and gives suggestions on what can be done to fix it. When Milt speaks of the church he is referring, not to an organization, but to an organism, the body of Christ, made up of all true followers of Christ, irregardless of their denominational affiliation. Bible texts are from either the KJV or the NKJV bibles. Much scripture is quoted in this book. This is iinten- tional."Thus sayeth the Lord " is what gives any Christian work its sanction and authority. If God said it. I believe it. And that settles it.