Glorianne Swenson is launching her first book with a compilation of nostalgic stories she has written in creative non-fiction form. People have thanked her for her transparancy in writing, as you will also see as you become a part of her life through this heart-warming book. These are real people and real places, and they could be any one of us or anywhere.
Her Aunt Tillie could be anyone's Aunt Tillie and will ring true to her readers. As she weaves her way through her nostalgic childhood memories of her favorite season, living with an outdoor privy and no running water, wearing feed sack dresses, rural school and fresh varnish; her friends and family become your friends and family.
As the fabric is intricately woven into a fine garment, she writes of losing a baby, her view of the rural cemetery, and how she met her husband and the careful putting together of a wedding on a shoe-string budget. She remembers the old red barn, her own brush with death, and the quiet guest of death knocking as her 66-year-old sister goes to her eternal home.
There is fun, laughter, healing tears and many sighs as the thread dances gracefully with the needle of each story so eloquently put together with love and care.
Enduring faith ties the knots of love exactly where they need to be, while the back of the fabric shows the rough ends, and the needle picks up in a new place over and over again in her life experiences.
Plan to curl up under a blanket as Glorianne shares this well tuned symphony of touching stories.