"This book is a voice of hope in an unhinged world. It is a candid, genuine guide for those who took, as Robert Frost wrote, 'The Road Less Traveled.'"
-Alfred Lackey PhD, Holistic Counseling Service
"Patricia Wilson has a ninety-chord love song to fuel the required emotional nutrients that we need. Surely within her book lies a distinctive Rhema for all of us.
-Connie Lackey, founder of the Ladies' Tea Ministry
"As I read Patricia's book, it enlightened me as to what God would intend us to do. 'The Lord said, Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets that he may run that readeth it.' (Hab 2:2)"
-Dick Halloran, Director, Life Abundant Bible College and Healing Rooms.
"In reading Patricia's book I received a blessing in that she was able to express herself with words that God would give her in her walk of faith with Him-even through the tragedy of her loss, knowing how God would sustain her and carry her to the next level. I found that her love for the Lord was expressed in each word I read. I know that anyone reading this book will come to know that there are treasures that only God can give. I believe from my heart that God has great and mighty things ahead for her."
-JoAnn Halloran, director of Life Abundant Ministry Healing Rooms.
"I have known Pat many years as a Christian sister, and she lives by 'Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.' James 1:22 (NKJV) I highly recommend this book to all as an inspirational devotion "
-Vickie Linnins, Teacher
"My friend, the young-hearted, godly enthusiast Pat Wilson, takes you face-to-face with life and love by rendering her ideas of love to the loveless and strength to the weak. She is inserting the keys to these mysteries as she sees fit, to help fill emptiness and mend brokenness. This book should be taken with you and used as positive energy for any day of your life as our 'Earth Angel' Pat intended it.
-Donna V. Foster, broker, realtor, and co-owner of Coldwell Banker Foster Real Estate, Inc