David shouted to Goliath, "The Lord will deliver you into my hand "
Abraham told his servants, "I and the lad will return."
Similar tenacious faith is seen when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego bragged to a heathen king, "Our God can and will deliver us from your hand "
What gave them such faith and fortitude? "Smooth Stones & Promises" enriches our own faith and strengthens our trust in God as the author takes us on a search to find what was in the hearts of these beloved Biblical figures.
"It is a profound, well documented piece. 'Dog ears' are used to highlight pages on which I paused for breath because of the profundity of what I was reading. It brought me close in touch with my Lord." -Dr. Norrel London, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario
"Brilliantly simple, surprisingly deep, and clearly understandable" -Lorne Rostotski, past director, Faith Christian Fellowship of Canada