A journey in this life through storms, pits, and valleys . A journey in which a young man learns of trust, closeness, tenderness of love, and never ever being alone. A journey of strength and friendship. A journey in a walk with God and his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Walking down the road of despair, all alone with weights I can't bear, and my heart doesn't feel song, only tears come along, and they call to their friends. Walking broken on my way to nowhere, wondering why am I still even here. I can see clear with my eyes, but it's something inside missing, dying. I can see the madness of a world gone wrong, they play their games and love their shame and tell the young there is no wrong, while along they sing a song of sin. The young are torn by drugs and hate, a media world bombards their day, electric this and electric that, instant this and instant that. We move so fast almost like light, going 90 mph, instead of going forward, they were really going down. A million chains lead them away. The intentions of this book are to honor my Father in heaven and my Lord Jesus Christ. I know what it's like to be lost in this world. Come in from the cold.