Why do we read the Psalms? We read them because we find comfort in them. We identify ourselves with the ups and downs of the writer, his feelings and emotions. It shows his fears when he writes: "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" and our fear becomes one with his. The theologian reads them because of their prophetic and Messianic teachings. But do we ever read them because they teach us how we relate to God?
See how the Psalms teach us what a person in a right relationship with God does in his relationship with Him. Experience a thrilling, growing, and often convicting journey in God while being richly blessed as you learn what it means:
"He establishes the work of our hands" and see the Apostle Paul's example.
"We know that your times are in God's hands" and see how God created time for our salvation and why He determines our days.
"We consider all precepts right" and see the problems of the pick-and-choose theology.
"We are devoted to God" and see how we're little burning bushes walking the streets of this world. "We trust in God"
and see how little we really do ... and much more.