Going to school, hanging out with friends, and being a normal teenager was all Summer Owens knew until her fifteenth birthday changed her life forever. Nine months later, she was a mother and didn't even know the father of her baby.
"In Life After Birth, Owens depicts the real-life struggles she faced as a teenage mother. By sharing how she managed to finish high school, combat emotional issues, graduate from college with honors, build a career and buy a house all as a young, single mother, she demonstrates that life doesn't have to end when a child is born to a teenager.
"Life After Birth details the heartbreak, struggle, and victory of a young woman thrust into the painful realities of being a teenage mother. Any young woman, or young man for that matter, will read this book with eyes wide open to the detailed struggles of being a young mother that strips away the delusional romanticism of having a baby too early. Summer sobers the reader to a better way and encourages those who are walking in her path that they too can have life after birth."
Dr. Stacy L. Spencer, Author and Pastor, New Direction Christian Church