In "Murder in Morning Glory Valley," Tracie Lee, an underwriter from Los Angeles, takes a weekend jaunt through the Northern Idaho hills, she finds more than just an escape from the mundane forms and contracts of insurance policies. The mystery begins with a snapshot taken near an overgrown railroad tunnel and deepens with the discovery of an old photograph at her family home in Southern California. She finds her grandfather's handwritten diaries depicting his search for the arsonist who started the 1927 Naples Lumber Camp fire and the killers of his brothers. Tracie needs to prove her grandfather is innocent of those crimes as a way to repay him and set the record straight. From her first visit to the mountain valley of the 1927 lumber camp fire, she meets the faces of the present and delves into the lives of the people from the past to solve a sixty-year-old double murder and arson fire. But Tracie's crime-solving days are not over as she and her friends unravel the murder of a colleague in the "Murder on the 60th Floor" and as they report the story of a serial killer in the "Innocent Man."