Sy Hakim is an American Artist and Poet who has lived much of his life in Italy. This accounts for the many classical allusions one find in his works, both art and poetry. In addition to publication in various magazines and journals, he has published collections of poems (From the Cave-2007) and two plays. His first collection of poems was published in 1970, the same year of his first one person art show in Italy. He exhibits oils, woodblock prints and relief sculptures.
As an exhibiting artist, his works have been shown and collected in Europe, Asia and the United States. Currently he is most active/exhibiting with the American Color Print Society, and The Plastic Club.
Currently living with his wife, Odetta, in Philadelphia, PA. he has expanded his travels across America and his deepened experiences and awareness. Both poems and the art works are thematic with a strong relationship between the works. There is a shared pictorial approach: strong bold colors paralleling bold rhythmic explorations: Sy Hakim is a humanist, interested ina diverse civility and the ethic search into the story of myriad civilizations and religionshe fulfills the obligations of his subject and formsa validity combined to sustain his expressionistic (humanistic and poetic) concept [S. Maugeri, Italian critic]
His artistic-poetic production, the work, the essence, hopefully reveals in its variation of themes, and symbolic- expressionistic quality, a life reverence: the ambiguity of life and the imminence of time.