GRIZZLY BEAR VS. LONGHORN BULL The bulls head took the bear full in the back and his momentum carried him under the bear and he flipped him over INSERT IMAGE his head. The bear hit the ground with a resounding crash and the bull whirled and tried to gore it from the side. The bear, however, was equally fast and rose on his hind legs, pulling his forelegs and head out of the way. Still as the bull passed his razor- pointed horn raked a gash across the bears stomach A piece of quality fiction. Wayne Lee Gay,--The Fort Worth Star Telegram. You have a good action packed shoot-em-upI enjoyed reading it very much. Alice EvertEvert & Associates, San Antonio, Texas. This book is a page turner, a true Western fan ought to lap this book up. --Barbara Rodriguez, Texas Monthly. You obviously have a great affection for the Western Genreyouve done your research with careIn additionyouve created a vivid central character. --Richard Curtis, New York, New York. FIRST TIME IN PAPERBACK (EASY TO READ PRINT)