Sweet River is a sleepy little farming community where nothing exciting ever happens; its also the only home Beth has ever known. When a boy gets caught in a tree with no way down, she is the only one who hears his calls for help and comes to the rescue. As Beth and Joe become best buddies, their guardian angels watch intently, knowing it is their job to keep Beth and Joe safe. Sarah, their future child, is preparing for a return to Earth for another incarnation. So far, all appears to be in order.
Although they arent aware of it, Beth and Joe agreed to become Sarahs parents when they were spirits awaiting reincarnation. Now they are human beings who have forgotten the agreements they made between themselves and other soul family members. As guardian angels and other guides attempt to impart their wisdom and perspective, Sarah watches with anticipation. She is about to arrive on Earth. Everything must be perfect.
Just when all appears to be coming together as planned, Joe makes a decision that may ultimately affect everyoneand change the course of events forever.