The U. S. President has asked Pastor/Doctor William Barnett to give up his church and work with the president in his administration. DanJaroc and his lieutenant, ThomLaroc shot up Pastor Barnett's church trying to kill Barnett because he wouldn't agree to lead his congregation to accept the Middle Eastern religion, the Nicolaian Way. Barnett was only wounded in the shoulder while a young boy was killed and Billy Moses Baxter, Jr. (Billy J) was shot in the face. Amazingly, shooting up the church caused as much, if not more, trouble for DanJaroc and ThomLaroc than it did for Barnett and his congregation. How can anyone deal with people such as DanJaroc and ThomLaroc? Together, they have helped to build a seditious army of Nicolaians within the United States. The trouble is there are so many of them and most of them are US Citizens, that is, homeland terrorists, flying under our nation's radar. Their goal is to destroy our beloved country and our freedom in favor of the Middle Eastern religious lifestyle. How about the Baxters? Will Billy J recover and, if so, will he ever be the same again having been accidentally shot by a Nicolaian? (ThomLaroc) Racial difficulties already existed in the United States, but now race relations have been so stirred up and so much hate has been created that it's beginning to look more like the years right after slavery all over again. What can Rhett McDonough, Butch Gorden and the Ralanta Police Department do to track down the Nicolaians and unearth who they are and what their vulnerable areas are before they destroy us from within? Will the president, the FBI and all of our nation's police agencies be able to stop these home grown terrorists before they make final connection with other Middle Eastern entities?