Discussions about belief and non-belief usually end up, time and time again, in the concept of religion, but in this book the author has started from the premise that we need to separate the concept of God, from the notion of human institutions and organized religion. The real issue, he argues, is that the concept of God is poorly explored by believers, and greatly explored by non-believers, when in reality should be the opposite. As religious people grow up in religious environments, at some point God becomes just a word without a definition, and people lose perspective of what they really mean when they say: I do believe in God. So, in this book he takes on straight on the concept of God, the nature of faith, the connection between God and religion, how worshipping has evolved and the actual possibility of morality in the absence of believe. As in his first book he has made every attempt to express his ideas in a simple, straight-forward manner, without being condescending to the believers and inviting them to learn about atheism and humanism without a push to stop believing. His only true objective is to promote reason and tolerance, and both believers and non-believers alike will find his work enticing, and thought-provoking. This book is the second (and last) in the "Inside a Non-Believer's" Mind series. On the first part (my Journey from Christianity to Freethinking), the author shared his ideas about the reasons to become a humanist and freethinker.