The starry night sky has always filled us with wonder. Down through the ages we have looked to the skies for guidance from the images of our heroes, gods, and monsters. Storytellers have illustrated their mythologies and legends with it, passing on to future generations the customs of their people. Many of these stories have survived to the present. In this Skylore from Planet Earth we explore some of the stories about the planet VENUS. People from the entire planet have looked to it for a reminder of their own traditions. Fifteen richly illustrated stories take the reader on a trip around the world, giving a glimpse into the histories and cultures of the planet's early civilizations. The six books in this series feature other sky phenomena as seen from early cultures around the world. Read stories about the constellation ORION; the star cluster PLEIADES; and our galaxy, MILKY WAY. Two more books are coming soon: the MOON and the SUN.