This book illistrates a concern that in many cases, Christians have been led away from the true and proper function of the Holy Spirit in their lives and therefore in many instances, are functioning in a carnal state or have devised their own way, the way of self or the way of others, which includes false teaching. This book also provides compelling evidence that Satan, takes full advantage of these things which include greed, lusts, pride of life and the things of this world; subsequently any relationship with God has been eroded greatly and they (christians) then move further and further away from God to their peril. As important as this book is, it may only scratch the surface, of the significance of "The Seven Spirits of God" but it is intended to spur the reader's interest in a personal knowledge of God which will prayerfully bring a personal relationship with Him. It is also intended to give enough detail to be a great blessing, help and encouragement to the reader; to believe and rely on God in a more personal way than he or she has ever known before.