This book is a story of Shirley Johnston's life. There is a lot of messages and lessons to be learn from it. One message is that the Master, requested that I write it. So I could still tell everybody about Him. That even 2000 years, He is still a Miracle working God. Just in this half of my life, God has delivered me from 4 fires, 2 floods, and 1 hurricane. That is to name a few disasters that Sweet Jesus has brought me through. Some of the other events, most people could only imagine surviving. Another message is that others can learn from all I have went through. That God truly is the answer, to any and all problems no matter how big or little the problem is. The lessons is that we don't have to live in nightmares and messes that we get ourselves into. That if we hold onto God's Unchanging Hand. He truly is a "Rewarder of those who dilgently seek Him." So you see God did have other plans for my life.