The unknown supernaturally has made their presence known among us proving that medically there's no cure for self-defeating mental illnesses. Doctors are taught medically how to cure, treat and heal through medicine humanly, but not when it involves Demons existing psychologically. A well-known doctor by the name of Dr. Allen with a great reputation was faced with conquering his own shadow that was Demon possessed, and haunted him. His shadow killed many leaving the evidence that lead only to Dr. Allen because witnesses saw the reflection of Dr. Allen in action. In order for him to prove his innocence, he had to allow this Demon possessed shadow to enter on the inside of him mentally so that he can control its mind; but being as it was his own shadow, made it difficult because shadows are the reflection of one's body. It became a challenge proving his innocence because it had never been heard of shadows separating and transforming into an un-humanized demon staggering alone.