Five years, three computers and one notebook later and my story of American Abroad is now complete. This is the story of my adolescence to my adulthood. It is a story of how I came from being a boy to how I have come to be a man.
Throughout my story I had to overcome and also succumb to the passions of life. I learned to live and love as I learned to speak and stand.
I hope this story helps you to learn to address your own life story and complete it as you should. You will see that my stumbling created a movement toward correction after I learned to look optimistically ahead. I had to learn to love and embrace my hardships in order to stand tall with all of my blemishes.
This story was written as a bold move in order to spur national correction through the impact of one man, or one woman, or one child. My wish is that its pages jolt you to make a move to be an "American Abroad."