I come to you in this way; no body, no voice, just the spirit that comes across these pages. I come with a story that not only reveals my intense love for a man that I would never have, but also the depth of my devotion to my most wonderful husband and two beautiful children. I watched my marriage fall apart around me as I reached out to someone who was not there. I tried hopelessly to pick up the pieces of my broken marriage. The pieces did not seem to fit together, while still others were missing. Due to these conflicts, I experienced feelings of deep despair and then terror, as I sank into a dark depression and developed panic disorder.
I knew I had to rise above all this or fall prey to this most unhealthy set of circumstances. Through psychological counseling, spiritual guidance, prayer and the support of others, I was able to journey back to my childhood finding clues and information making it possible for me to put the bits and pieces of my life back together, making sense of this once and for all. I not only rise out of depression and panic disorder but also I rise above the burdens of childhood abuse.
I ultimately reach a wonderful place, a spiritual loving place, making of myself a strong Spirit-filled vessel for my husband and my children to connect with.
There are certainly lessons to be learned here from this story which I share with you. Come away with me grow from what I have learned and how I have loved.
Understand the importance of truth and the freedom that comes with it