正如內容所歌詠,令人驚嘆又雅緻的藝術作品一般,《Art and Fashion》一書以25件跨越世代、性別及創作媒材的當代藝術創作,介紹當藝術界風雲人物,諸如美國狂人畫家傑克遜‧波洛克、街頭藝術家凱斯‧哈林、英國當代知名藝術家達米恩‧赫斯特,遇上聖羅蘭、龐克教母薇薇安‧魏斯伍德、時尚大帝亞歷山大‧麥昆等多位傳奇指標,會撞擊出怎樣的炫目火花。
從廿世紀永遠的傳說:義大利女設計師Elsa Schiaparelli以薩爾瓦多‧達利所繪龍蝦所創作出的龍蝦裝,到廿一世紀影像拓荒者辛蒂‧雪曼 穿著香奈兒自拍入鏡展示出的攝影作品,這些令人驚訝與興奮的創作組合,以沒有邊界、充滿能量的方式,反映在歷史上每一個作品中,營造出奢華的視覺效果。【文/ 博客來編譯】
A volume of magnificent proportions, Art + Fashion is as exciting and elegant as the creative partnerships it celebrates. Spanning numerous eras, men and women's fashion, and a wide range of art mediums, these 25 collaborative projects reveal the astonishing work that results when luminaries from the art world (such as Jackson Pollock, Keith Haring, and Damien Hirst) come together with icons of the fashion world (including Saint Laurent, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen). From 20th-century legends such as Elsa Schiaparelli and her famous lobster dress painted by Salvador Dalí to 21st-century trailblazers such as Cindy Sherman and her self-portraits in vintage Chanel, these electric and provocative pairings—represented in lavish visuals and thoughtful essays reflecting on the history of each project—brim with the energy and possibility of powerful forces uniting.