In 1944, over a farmer's field an RAF single-engine Lysander waits for the prearranged signal to land. A flashlight beams the signal skyward and the pilot lands on a mission to support an OSS team in occupied France. Fifteen minutes after landing the pilot, Flight Lieutenant Fraser, is dead. Reported details of his death are sketchy and another pilot takes over Fraser's run.
In 1974, Sir Douglas Kinkaid hosts a banquet to honor Flight Lieutenant Fraser for former members of 138 Squadron. A German pilot and an OSS officer are invited to speak. When the German pilot finishes he introduces the former OSS officer.
The OSS officer is well known to the audience—occasionally he appears on television and is frequently mentioned in the press. After much thought, the OSS officer decides to tell the members of 138 Squadron how Fraser really died and a dramatic story unfolds.