圖書名稱:SO LONG: Short Memoirs of Loss and Remembrance
A heartfelt collection of narratives of various forms and shapes on grief, loss and remembrance.
The following authors and titles are featured: MEGHAN K. BARNES Mad World; MARY CARPENTER Longing; FREDDA DURANDO My Fathers Hands; PAMELA GAY The Family Funeral;KELSEY GILMAN Forgiving Maren; JO GOING Stones and Roses; SUSAN GORDON Stars; NANCY GUSTAFSON Visiting Martha; PATRICIA GUZMAN About a Guy Named J* ;KRISTIN HERREN A Letter to My Sister; MARY POTTER KENYON My Winter of Discontent; MICHAL MAHGEREFTEH Things She Left Behind; LINDSEY MEAD Four Corners of the Tent; AMANDA MILLER One Breath, Then Another; PATRICIA O'DONNELL Translation; CARL PALMER Her Candle; and CHRISTOPHER WOODS The Light You Made.