This adventure story weaves a tale of intrigue seldom matched by any author, because much of the material and the events making up this story were once classified. It is strung tightly together by a talented writer, one who has been around and who knows the score, and who knows where many of the proverbial bodies are hidden.
From the beginning, the reader is introduced to an international spy community, long-time situated in Singapore, and the story quickly gathers speed as it enters the shady realm of the little known Military Operations Division of the Central Intelligence Agency. It includes some of the War-time activities of the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA; the destruction of the German heavy water plant at Telemark, Norway by British and Norwegian commandos; and the duel between atom bomb scientists of the United States and Germany; as it includes some of the functions of Area 51, and the important mechanical short-comings of the CANDU nuclear power plants installed around the world. These problems are as current today as they were during the period in which this historical novel is set. A superb read for the reader that cares to have his or her mind challenged, while being entertained by the activities of some very interesting characters that lived during some very interesting times.