In The Day I Became a Superhero, seven-year-old Ommeh faces the toughest day in her life during a fatal car crash with her parents. She is alone and frightened at first, but something miraculous happens when she gets in touch with her inner superhero and her life is changed forever.
En El D a Que me Convert en un Superh roe, Ommeh, una ni a de siete a os, se enfrenta
el d a m s dif cil de su vida en un accidente automovil stico fatal con sus padres.
Ella est sola y asustada al principio, pero algo milagroso sucede cuando se pone
en contacto con su superh roe interior y que su vida cambia para siempre.
"I find this] story raw, real and very inspirational. It's relevant for both adults and young children--for us to realize our amazing potential and the miracles we are capable of achieving. It's easy to focus on all of our flaws but what this story reminds us of is our true essence; when we can tap into it, it's unbelievably powerful. And that essence is within us--we just have to allow it to manifest." --Prea Gulati, PhD Assistant Research Professor, Department of Global Health, George Washington University
"It made me feel interested, surprised, and empowered, and I recommend all
kids and adults to read it. I felt like I could do the same for my parents if I am
in a situation like this." --Gabe, age 9