Maeglin is about to lead Slandra, a talented bard, who's at the beck and call of the moon and Septimus, a psychic assassin, on the most horrific adventure of their lives. They're going to save the world, not for any noble reason of right or wrong, it's because they want the reward. A title and lands will give Septimus an open into the Royal court and put him next to the Princess Anita. For Slandra it means a stable life of luxury and pampering. This diverse trio are heading across the world to take on a Vampire Lord who is hell bent on turning the world into mindless vampire thralls. Travelling through the depths of the mountains where the evil Cimmerian reign. Across the north's blistering deserts beset by Sand Dragons and many more horrors. What Slandra and Septimus don't know is that Maeglin is a professional Vampire Hunter and that the Vampire Lord they're hunting down is her husband. Septimus and Slandras story takes you from their beginnings through seemingly endless encounters. As their group of friends grow so does their enemies until their lives bend to the ultimate end of their Gods Design. Their destiny starts here.