About me? Huh? Well, my name is Tate Jackson and I wrote The Undead Heart for my niece, Beverly. I’m @#*^! years old and live in Clarksville, Tn. where the book is based. Most the characters in The Blood Thirst are named after my family and friends in my own life {Potter, Harley, Thomas and Bruce are my sons and Charley is my daughter} and I tried to make their descriptions accurate as possible {If you know the real Potter then you can’t miss him in this book}. My best friend, Becky {and mother to Beverly} edited the book for me {and added a few tweaks. She even wrote one of the love scenes. See if you can tell which one!}. Let’s see, what else? Oh, I tend to write on my back porch and usually with my MP3 player attached to my head. I write out the books by hand and then my best friend types them up and works her magic on them. The Undead Heart is 143,543 words and is a full size novel.