This heart-wrenching saga follows Gary Pender, a 40-something Canadian cynic, who falls into the clutches of a manipulative bargirl and a crippling meth addiction. Meanwhile, his family flies from Canada to Cambodia only to scour the underbelly of Phnom Penh on a desperate search to find him.
What the Pender’s find is a loved one transformed into a mad, depraved junkie whose lost everything. They feed him and offer to take him home, but Gary is conniving & seethes with rage when they refuse to give him cash for more meth. Detached from reason, on the verge of either death or insanity, Gary fights every effort his family makes to get through to him. Will he see beyond his demons and embrace his family’s helpful hand, or is it already too late? Percolating beneath the portrayal of Gary’s downfall is Charlie, a 21-year-old slang-slinging Brit who impregnates and then marries Oanh, a young Vietnamese girl who’s controlled by her scheming, gambling-addict mother. This storyline brings the book full circle to a shocking twist in the end.