As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, author Thomas Emerson has worked with terminally ill patients usually suffering from cancer or AIDS, who have sought hypnosis to calm their fears regarding their impending death. Using the ancient teachings of the "Tibetan Book of the Dead," Emerson developed a script to be read to those who were dying, with many of these subjects reporting prior to their death that these words have put to rest many of their anxieties and concerns about death. These terminally ill, as well as others who simply have a curiosity about death, report that due to this spiritual understanding they have felt much more prepared to face what awaits them in the afterlife. Emerson specialized in Past Life Regression hypnosis, and has regressed hundreds of people into one of their past lives. This has allowed his clients and himself to gain considerable insight into the process of dying, reincarnation, and rebirth, which he also shares in this book with his readers.