been found dead. Little connects the murders, other than a postcard to the local newspaper that precedes each new victim. Now Kanon teams up with the Swedish reporter Dessie Larsson, who has just received a postcard in Stockholm - and they think they know where the next victims will be. 他用彎曲的左手臂托住男人的前額,讓他的頭保持朝上。 他用指尖去感覺男人脖子上的脈搏,估算血流的力道。 接著他把匕首戳進男人左頸靜脈,迅速切過肌肉跟韌帶,直到聽見輕輕的嘶一聲,這男人的氣管已經被切斷。 「我會一直追著他們不放,直到地獄凍結為止。」紐約警察雅各誓言親手將殺害女兒金蜜的兇手繩之以法,這是一場橫越歐洲大陸的連續謀殺案,金蜜與未婚夫慘死在父親送給她的婚前耶誕旅行,除了咽喉遭利刃劃開、身上的財物皆被洗劫一空以外,他們的屍身被以特定的角度擺放,命案現場彷彿是藝術展示間,一切顯得那麼刻意、冷血。 雅各追著兇手到德國、瑞典,卻總差臨門一腳就可逮到兇手,雖然他知道兇手犯案的軌跡,但永遠落後兇手一步。犯案前,兇手會先寄出一張有著城市街景的明信片給當地記者,背面有著相同的文字「……活著或者死去 是值得考慮的問題 我們會保持聯絡」;不久,有著屍首的照片就會寄達,一樣是年輕愛侶,一樣是外國旅客,一樣一刀斃命。 令人不寒而慄的犯罪場景,慘忍的犯案手法,揉合藝術創作的元素,將罪犯的衝突心理完美演繹;嚴密謹慎的犯案計畫,勾引獵物一步步踏入死亡陷阱而不自知,利用人性的貪婪、好強、色慾,輕而易舉殺人於無形,兇手視誘殺旅人為一種挑戰、一種遊戲,以此證明自身的魅力,宣揚個體的藝術理念,人的生命價值遠低於凶手所信奉的崇高藝術。 故事的地點在美國以及瑞典轉換著,美式的邏輯思考,碰撞著歐洲的冷峻思緒,不同的文化差異以及跨國刑案將破案難度無限加大。
James Patterson has had more New York Times bestsellers than any other writer, ever, according to Guinness World Records. Since his first novel won the Edgar Award in 1976, James Patterson's books have sold more than 240 million copies. He is the author of the Alex Cross novels, the most popular detective series of the past twenty-five years. Mr. Patterson also writes the bestselling Women's Murder Club novels, set in San Francisco, and the top-selling New York detective series of all time, featuring Detective Michael Bennett. He lives in Florida with his family.
Liza Marklund is a Swedish journalist and author of the Annika Bengtzon series, which has sold 9 million copies in 30 languages. She lives in Sweden and Spain.