Society has been programmed to view the rich, arrogant and composed as important and powerful. The loving, kind and considerate are considered weak. The joyful are considered silly. This is backwards. There is strength in love. The financially wealthy and heartless are projecting an external power that is momentary. But, without the power to hold on to the material assets and properly sew them they will be poorly invested and lost. Properly investing them in the nurturing of God’s people and support of His Church allows them to multiply and have an everlasting impact for generations to come. What I am trying to say is that external strength, power wealth fades. But, internal godliness lasts forever. Your source of you wealth comes from God. Stop waiting on man to confirm, approve or validate the things that you do. They don’t have the power or knowledge to fully understand God’s plans for your life and resources. If you listen to them you will be defeated and never really reach your full Christ potential, because the enemy of the Gospel will bring jealously, ridicule, distractions and discouragement. If you let Jesus lead you towards God’s purpose and plan, you will be useful, resourceful, rich (full of quality) and wealthy (abundantly blessed), which equates to joy everlasting.God wants me to tell you that you have value. You are of worth the investment he has made in you. He made you, He owns you and He loves you. You are his precious resource.The book will define what resources and how they lead to valuable assets, and spiritual wealth. It will change your way of thinking about your talents, gifts, personality-everything that makes you who you are. It will also provide you with a different thought process on how to use them. This book will help you understand that what you have and what you are becomes valuable and multiplies when you use them for God’s good.