Creation takes place sometime in the near future on the six small Marquesas Islands in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. A man named Connor Delise has created a technology that can wipe a human beings mind of all memory in effect leaving a fully-grown fully-functioning and fully-manipulatable infant. The governments from around the world bring their brightest minds together and take control of this technology and of Connor Delise using him to create a project that will allow the participants to view the development of the human mind from the very beginning with no influence of older generations society culture or rules. As the project continues to unfold an agenda comes into view from one of the countries representatives which causes obvious turmoil on the island and the ending ends astoundingly making the reader want the next book the moment they finish the first one. Creation is a controversial novel which emulates the age-long conflict between religion and science and between faith and fact. The struggle between evolution of man and Gods path for man is engraved deeply in the story allowing readers to see both sides and the many different beliefs that have been learned throughout our races history. There is religious and philosophical symbology throughout the novel giving Creation a deeper meaning provoking thought and discussion from a wide variety of audiences. With well rounded and developed characters that tie readers emotionally to the story and a plot that snaps with excitement and glides along with constant curiosity controversy and a twist of mystery Creation will create a stir through the literary world.