God's timing is everything; timing can be our friend or our enemy. (To everything there is a season, and a purpose under the heaven.) Ecclesiastes 3:1 We must operate by God's timetable and not ours. Waiting is a choice. We cannot afford to miss God's timing because if we do, we will be out of sync and divine order. The clock is ticking and it is countdown, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 minute before midnight. Midnight is a crucial hour and it represents all the negativity in our lives; but midnight also represents for the believers that it is officially the dawning of a new day, a fresh start, a new beginning, a breakthrough and a turnaround. A date with destiny and purpose is having a prophetic word spoken over your life, which manifests your promise. To God be the Glory for all the great things he as done. The year 2010 has been a spiritual journey for me, a journey of awareness and discovery. Awareness of the hidden things on the inside of me called creativity. I have discovered a new level of love for my Heavenly Father. While waiting inside the incubator I have learned to push pass the pain and worship, praise and glorify my Father. During this time I developed a more intimate relationship with the Father. I know him as Abba, Father and Daddy, and he knows me as his sweet precious handmaiden daughter. My heavenly Father is the one who validates and sets his approval on our lives. Now I truly know who I am and whose I am and because I am intimate with my heavenly Father, I am free to be me. It has all been "Worth The Wait."