WAKE UP, YOU SLUMBERING CHRISTIANS ... This author has never written a book before, and had never planned to...until the Lord woke her early one morning at 4:30 A.M....September of 2009...and very clearly said, "Type this title on your computer, PREPARING FOR THE NEW JERUSALEM." She immediately jumped up, turned on the computer, typed the title at the top of a "new document." and, has been on a spiritual whirlwind ever since. Her story may be very much like yours...encouraged to be self-sufficient, obsessed with getting a degree and then a career, marrying and juggling career and family 24/7. In their family, Sunday was the only time they even heard the name of Jesus mentioned (in the worship service sermon), and if she was tired and slept in on that morning, never heard that name all week long...let alone realized that she could have a personal relationship with her savior. However, read how all of the coincidences (good and bad) that were easily explained away at the time could actually, with hindsight, be traced back to the Lord being with her even from "before conception" and how it took her 45 years to wake up to that truth. After you read about her adventuresome teaching career around the world, her counsel to her brothers and sisters in Christ may touch just the right chord to give you a "wake up call" for Jesus in these last days.