What you won't find in The Review is a reliance of the four media favorites and we all know what they are. What you will find is an extensive library of topics most of which were written while SB was sitting on a ridge overlooking the Nile. She wanted them streamlined and sanitized and of course, such an approach begs the question; "Who would want to read them?" Anybody who is interested in a crisp, and clean and pristine trek through a land of LANGUAGE AND IDEAS. Anybody who is more intrigued by the life of the mind over our daily regimen of packaged distractions. Since their inception in 1980 for high school students, these topics have taken on a life of their own. They have expanded in quality, variety, tone, color and sheer volume. SOME ARE EVEN FUNNY. Our latest survey shows that The Sara Bellum Review covers a lot of territory and it instantly adjustable. The SBR can move with ease from the mainstream milieu to a syllabus for home schooling or read as a verbal snack while doing your laundry. The material is clean and we are certain that it will fit into your personal wordrobe.