Words of Inspiration from Your Own Kind you realize that it isn't merely your own life that may contain complexities. Through all of lifes adversities, its individually up to you to determine if you will surmount obscurity and persist on toward your destiny. If tomorrow never came, would you let what happened yesterday carry on to today? Words of Inspiration from Your Own Kind is not simply inspiration to those in the ghettos of America; its encouragement to every type of person. All of us, as human beings, face hardships with life. This inspirational book of poetry expresses a variety of topics including relationships, love, pain, success, motivation, friendships, and negativity. Youll be engrossed in deep thought, smiles, and perhaps even shed a few tears. This book portrays countless feelings and stories of life at both its paramount and its shoddiest. Words of Inspiration from Your Own Kind becomes the national anthem of all individuals dealing with lifes imperfections.