This book is about helping those who are in doubt about the knowledge of Salvation and its meaning. It teaches the concepts of how to receive and maintain the Gift of Salvation. It explains why we as a people need salvation. It talks about the Holy Spirit and His purpose to the body of Christ. It expounds upon scriptural references and quotations from the bible. Highlights of personal testimonies given by the author. It challenges the believer and nonbeliever to pause and take a closer look at their position in Christ. It exposes the myths of receiving the Holy Spirit and gives clear concise teachings on how to receive the Holy Spirit according to God’s Word. Many powerful scriptures that will open the spiritual eyes and unlock the hidden powers that Christians have through the application of God’s Word. This book gives many examples of Christ’s sufferings in the way of the cross and His death, burial and resurrection. It is heartfelt, directional and bible based. It also talks about the church of today and how many of their leaders are compromising God’s Word to rake in the revenues to support their lifestyles. In this book you will be guided with step by step applications that will ensure proper and effective growth spiritually. It will prepare the reader for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.