James Barrie's My Mayenne is an account of the author's love affair with a part of Fraoce that has escaped mass tourism. In the late eighties, Barrie and his wife began their search for a house in France, a task which is not as easy as it may sound. This is the story of the house they fond, the trials and tribulations of renovating what was at first an uninhabitable dwelling, and their adventures in a new country.
With loving detail, and in a conversational and intimate style, Barrie offers his readers a collection of anecdotes, recounting incidenlS as varied as his first meeting with Pierre Medoc, so called because 'he was always better after he had finished the second bottle', to a family trip to Le Mont St.Michel to find a very important fireplace, and monks with dirty feet Evident in all these lively accounts is Barrie's love of the country, its people and ofcourse its wine