In the novel Stealing Margo, former rock musician Chad Peery begins with a simple abduction by a crazed fan, and from it, spins a mystical journey that pulls away the curtains between life, death, and the joys of playing music. Margo, an 80's rock singer, sets upon an adventure that spans three decades and reunites her with a long-lost daughter (who despises her), her band (who still needs her), and an Australian lover (who might still love her). Twists and turns push Margo along a slippery ledge suspended beneath the waterfalls of the music business, to a secret place which holds the one thing she desires the most. If you enjoy a book filled with breath-taking surprises, unpredictable characters, and wondrous glimpses into landscapes most of us will never see, then treat yourself to a copy of Stealing Margo.