I live in Las Vegas, NV with my husband, two golden retrievers and one Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever. I’ve been writing my own novels since I was a teenager, however back then, they were either hand-written in penmanship that was barely legible or type-written. Penmanship and typewriters. Do those words still exist? I wish I had saved some of those stories as I’m sure they would have been best-sellers. Okay, definitely not, but they would’ve been interesting to read all of these years later. I had written my first book, "Finally Home" in the early part of 2010. Throughout my years of living with Buddy, our golden retriever, I always wanted to get his stories down on paper. They were just too comical to keep to myself. If you’re reading this, then you might as well know, I am a die-hard dog lover and they are my inspiration for writing. I volunteer with a few animal rescue groups throughout Las Vegas when time permits. Though not all of my books are for dog-lovers, most have dogs in them. I enjoy writing about their antics and incorporate them in a few of my thrillers. In addition, I donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each book to various animal rescue groups. You might also want to know that I am an indie author. Yep, I self-publish all of my books, create my own covers and format my own books. Lastly, I have a very dark mind and an equally off-beat and witty sense of humor. Sometimes you’ll find it revealed in my books. Hope you enjoy them and many thanks for stopping by.