Crimes of Humanity is a narrative that takes place during a temporary lull in Liberia's civil war 1998-99. It reads like an action/adventure novel, but is a memoir. Backdrop to the characters are the thick jungles and broad rivers of remote regions along the border Liberia shares with Sierra Leone-home to acclaimed blood diamond fields. The story evolves around Lynn Fausett, who accepts a job offer from the president of an international mining firm who happens to be his neighbor in the US. He's assured the war is over and the fighting concluded. Fausett seizes the opportunity as a time and place to reconcile his thoughts regarding his divorce, as well as see Africa for the first time. But unbeknowst to the world at large, Charles Taylor "Butcher of Monrovia", warlord president of Liberia, has covertly carried the war to the diamond fields. There the fighting continues, and people destitute and foundering in the wake of loss and decades of war, make up the employee roster. Fausett is forced to question his own values as well as those of the company he works for in view of such poverty. He debates the ethics of the rich taking from the poor and determines to undertake his own private humanitarian mission through his position with the company. But his efforts are short-lived as fighting reignites and Liberia descends back into all-out warfare and chaos.