There's nothing fair about losing sight of the world around you. However, that's exactly what happened to D.S. Sully. At age eight, he started evolving into a young kid with old man eyes. Beset with a gradual vision loss known as macular degeneration, he got a head strat on what is more commonly associated with geezer status. Scared silly of misfitting witin the mainstream, his defiance culminated into both hilarity and hard knocls.
Following the successful debut of "A Town Untangled," Sully gets even more personal with a wiseacre anthology that took over a half century to complete. In doing so, "Glimpse" profiles the outlandish predicaments of dashhing and crashing through adversity. Without a doubt, Glimpse personifies a true tale of "What you see is what you get."
Altogether audacious and somewhat off-kilter, this incrimidating tattle shares a candid glimpse into the "Good Grief" reality of being the proverbial square peg in a round hole. As such, what now comes to light, are the extraordinary measures, taken by some of us, just for the sake of fitting in.