Jack Edward Fruth was twenty years old when he entered pharmacy school at Ohio State University and among the fi rst group of the five-year class program with thirty-two fellow students. He graduated from Ohio State University School of Pharmacy with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy in June of 1951. During his time at Ohio State University, Jack met Babs (Frances) Rhodes. Following graduation his journey led him to his first job as a staff pharmacist for Gallaher Drug Company in Springfield and Xenia, Ohio. It didn't take long before Jack realized the importance of being closer to home and the fact that Point Pleasant, West Virginia needed a pharmacy to service the community. Therefore, the fi rst Fruth Pharmacy located at 2119 Jackson Avenue in Point Pleasant, West Virginia opened its doors to the public on November 1, 1952. Jack Fruth, R.Ph. was on duty. With his mother, Marjorie Fruth, by his side, he ran the pharmacy that exciting first day and took in thirty-seven dollars. His adventure in business had begun.