Have you ever wondered why the loving, forgiving Father that Jesus taught about is so different from the vengeful, punishing God of Abraham as told in the Judaic scriptures which Christians know as the Old Testament? Have you ever wondered why a Jewish Savior's church was started in Rome, Italy, which is 1,426 miles away from Jerusalem? Have you ever wondered why it was the Roman soldiers who arrested Jesus, and the Roman court who sentenced him to die, when the Jews were under the jurisdiction of the Jewish Sanhedrin which was the highest court of justice and the supreme council in ancient Jerusalem? Learn the truth about who Jesus really was, what he really taught, and how the teachings were corrupted by a false teacher determined to turn the power back to Abraham's tribal God. The truth will set you free from the doctrine of judgement, condemnation, shame and guilt that has overshadowed the original teachings of unconditional love and forgiveness. Learn the truth of who and what you are, and about the inner blueprint that is guaranteed to carry your spirit home to the World's of Light. Open your heart, and feel the unconditional Love and the Light of our Father.