Warning: You MUST read this book before you get your next prescripton. Prescription medicines often provide only half the answer - you must read this book to discover the missing piece of the puzzle. This book exposes the HIDDEN TRUTH (and provides you with practical solutions) about how the vicious cycle of only using prescription medicines may rob you of your energy and vitality and create even more illness, cheating you of your quality of life. If you, or any members of your family, take prescription medicines then you must read the information contained in this book. This information could change your life. - Are you worried that your prescription medicines are not treating the true causes of your ill health? - Are you worried that the side effects of your prescription medicines might be actually making you more sick? - Are you searching for alternative treatments but don't know which ones are effective and safe, and whether or not they are compatible with your prescription medicines? This book reveals the secrets to good health that I have discovered from my research and from working with tens of thousands of patients over more than 20 years in my pharmacy and nutrition medicine clinic. To illustrate how you can achieve great health I have included in this book real life case studies of patients with a variety of health conditions that I have helped. This includes the story of my own personal health tragedy. Read this book ... take control of your health