Fidel Castro reacts like a snake does at the sight of a wounded sparrow after he realizes he can expose the US fostering of democracy as a sham. The last group of Colombian guerrillas give him the chance, and he will do it for the money, which is given by Uncle Sam. Fidel sends a woman, who is a killer and a track world-record holder to collect it. The Colombian government sends a coed to keep the eye on the treasure. The guerrillas, to assure themselves, send an Arhuaco. A rogue officer in the US embassy in Bogot determines the dollars are taxpayers' and should remain in the US. The FBI gets a whiff of it and and goes after them, even if it has to kill people to do it. The agency reputation is at a stake. After the money is delivered to the main players, mayhem ensues among them and the cash disappears...apparently.