Joyce Swann has been a Christian since childhood and a prayer warrior for over forty years. She became nationally-known in the 1990’s because of her work homeschooling her ten children from the first grade through masters’ degrees before their seventeenth birthdays. She has been featured on Paul Harvey’s weekly radio program, CBN and the 1990’s CBS series "How’d They Do That?" She has been interviewed by "Woman’s World," "The National Enquirer," and numerous regional newspapers. The story of the Swann family has also been featured in the "National Review" and several books about homeschooling success stories. Joyce is author of "The Warrior," which has been downloaded over 100,000 times on Kindle, and co-author of five novels, including "The Fourth Kingdom," which was selected as a top four finalist in the Christianity Today 2011 fiction of the year awards, and two holiday stories ("The Holiday Collection"). She was a popular columnist for "Practical Homeschooling" for nearly a decade, and she has retold her own story of homeschooling her ten children in "Looking Backward: My Twenty-Five Years as a Homeschooling Mother." "The Christmas Cake" is the second story in "The Holiday Collection." Her newest project is the young adult series "N." Book Two, "N: The Shadow of the Cross" was released in the fall of 2016. "The McAloons," first introduced in "Tales of Pig Isle," began as stories that Joyce told to entertain her grandchildren.