In this powerful debut novel, Bob Sommer tells the story of a man who has lived with a secret for most of his life. No one has called Peter Howell by his own name since he belonged to a radical student group in the 1960s. After an act of sabotage that turned deadly, Peter escaped and blended into the American landscape. Decades later, he has been reincarnated as a full-fledged citizen with a family and successful business, to enjoy the affluence of the late 1990s. But his life unravels when an ambitious high school reporter uncovers his secret. So begins an odyssey that takes Peter Howell from his comfortable suburban life to the edge of human survival. The novel also explores the fate of the people in his life, both present and past—his wife and children, and those who knew him as a young man, including the girl who loved him.
Where The Wind Blew is a sweeping view of American life told in the lyrical voice of a novelist who will keep you turning pages to the very end, and make you wish there were more.